Top 10 Tips to Engage Your App Users


Top 10 Tips to Engage Your App Users

Getting people to download your mobile app is one thing, getting those people engaged is another. One is harder, the other more difficult. So, how do you engage your customers after downloading your mobile app? Not that people hate using apps. Research shows that almost 90% of mobile media time goes to mobile applications compared to the mobile web.

Because so many different apps are doing things like this, it’s hard to get up above the noise and stand out from your app audience.
Mobile app engagement and mobile app retention are two metrics that provide real insight into an app’s success. Less application is a recipe for engagement and retention failure, while high engagement and retention are the opposite.


This describes how active users are in the app.


Localities define mobile app user retention as a user returning to at least 1x application within 30 days. It is important to note that each brand is defined as engagement retention depending on the nature of the application.

The Engagement & User Retention Problems

Achieving adequate mobile app engagement and user retention rates can be a daunting task. Statista reports that only 32 percent of users return to the app 11 times or more after downloading. The reality is that mobile app developers are up against the competitive market in which consumers have a lot of options.

The following five strategies to increase app engagement and retention will help companies reduce the app’s prank rate and see the results they expect from investing in mobile app development and ROI.

Create a trial version

Option to create a trial version with in-app purchases or subscribe to the premium version. The trial version reveals the value your application will bring.

Demonstrate application as a solution to the problem

Present your application as a solution to the problem. Or show how your app can help you solve problems. This is not part of marketing; This is to make sure that the consumer understands the benefits.

Efficient Onboarding

Keep your onboarding process as simple and natural as possible. No matter how hard it is to start using the app, users are more likely to leave it.

Here are some ways to simplify user onboarding:

a) Reduce the number of steps required to create or sign up for an account and add multiple registration options (for example login with Facebook or Google).
b) Teach through action to reveal basic gestures in the application experience.

Use Push Notifications

A good practice before bombing your app users with push notifications is to ask if they also want to receive them in the first place. Displaying your customers with the option of disabling or disabling instantly builds trust and verifies the authenticity of your app. When your customers know that their personal preferences take precedence over your marketing capabilities, they will want to fully communicate with your app.

Use the message in the app to enhance customer engagement

Notifications are usually displayed on the home screen if messages in the app pop up in the app. This makes them instantly recognizable.
To maximize user engagement, in-app messages should feel like an organic part of your app and not a half-baked mobile marketing effort. You can let customers know about your updates and motivate them to try new features.

Run widgets today

Widgets provide users with a way to find out events and what’s in-store today. Use this feature to notify your customers of time-sensitive events and offers.

Add location-based app suggestions

Mobile apps can make suggestions based on your location, habits, or the current time.

Some music apps display notifications when you plug in headphones. The GPS can activate itself when you link the device to your vehicle. Social networks can indicate events happening nearby.

Using the user behavior analysis tool in the application

It is awesome to use all the strategies mentioned above to engage your customers. They can be applied individually or all at once: it’s all up to you. Additionally, you can empower your game by gaining insights into all the user interactions in your app and by analyzing them all and improving your app to increase user engagement.

By applying user behavior analysis tools, you have access to this information and more. This will help you better understand your customers and make the necessary changes to improve your app’s user engagement.

Recommended for You:

Be smart with ads

If you offer a free app that contains ads, all you can do is provide your customers with an ad-free first experience. When a first-time user goes to your app and realizes how awesome it is, they don’t care so much about ads. If they launch the app for the first time and see a screen full of ads, they will not consider the process as a welcome one.

Add quick action on the home screen

Comes with another very simple yet useful feature in the form of 3D touch and quick action. You can use them to execute application-related actions without leaving the home screen.


Now you know how to increase customer engagement in your app.

Before you implement these tips, keep in mind that creating a high-quality app is still the first requirement. If your app is slowly bug-ridden crap it will not save any tricks and world.

So spend your time and create an app that suits your customers’ time! And don’t forget to listen to their feedback, make your app social media friendly, and update frequently (every 1–4 weeks + every time a new iOS / Android version is released).

Remember to implement A / B tests for your marketing. You can test your copy, images/videos / GIFs with your great notifications, emojis, deep links, and personalized events in the app. Always test the same change at the same time and use the app user control group!

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